- This is what Beatles expert Andrew Milton from the Parlogram YouTube channel has to say about the Apcor book Extended Play in the UK.
https://www.apcor.net/great-review-of-parlogram/ - This is what Beatles expert Andrew Milton from the Parlogram YouTube channel has to say about the Apcor book Vinylology.
https://www.facebook.com/Apcorbooks/videos/527962898257828 - Apcor art designer Ronnie Dannelley talks to Plastic EP
https://youtu.be/f2RIV-4t_DA - Far Away Country Day (LP teaser)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIAJZPRtU3c - The Beatles Mach Schau In Hamburg (the making of the cover by Ronnie Dannelley)
https://youtu.be/ld5m503kjJg - Unboxing the book The Beatles Mach Schau In Hamburg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkOMJuO5thw&feature=emb_imp_woyt - The Beatles Mach Schau In Hamburg (Book)
https://youtu.be/Gu_ZLZ2wMLo - Vinylology (Book)
https://youtu.be/GWdTdB1FngI - Cat’s Eyes (CD en LP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSX6lAVjzM4 - King of Carnaby (10″LP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Uk1TB5pM8 - I Love You So Muchism (Single)